In glaucoma the field of vision decreases gradually, due to various factors.Often the patient does not realize the problem till the later Stages of the disease. Since it usually causes blindness without any symptoms, glaucoma has been called the 'Silent Thief of Sight'. It is the second most common cause of irreversible blindness worldwide.
Internally, our eyes constantly produce a clear fluid called aqueous humor, which bathes and nourishes different regions of the eye. The aqueous normally drains out of the eye through a 'drainage canal' located in the 'angle' of the eye. In persons with glaucoma, the fluid does not drain out as freely as it should, thus increasing the pressure inside the eye, known as intraocular pressure (IOP). Raised IOP damages the optic disc (that part of the optic nerve that is inside the eye is called the optic disc).
There are mainly two mechanisms for raised IOP in the eye:
In open angle glaucoma, the outflow pathway is open, but an increase in resistance to the outflow within the pathway (the trabecular meshwork) causes a rise in the IOP. This type develops gradually and the symptoms may not be obvious till the damage has occurred. The patient may lose peripheral vision, leaving only central or 'tunnel' vision. This occurs more among people above 45 years of age.
In angle closure glaucoma the outflow pathway itself is narrow, which causes raised pressure. In the acute cases, the symptoms are dramatic and may include severe pain in the eye, headache, nausea, reduced vision, and seeing rainbow coloured rings around lights. The more common variety of angle closure glaucoma is chronic angle closure. This behaves similar to open angle glaucoma but here, the 'drainage' canal is closed by the iris.
Another type is developmental glaucoma, which may be further divided into congenital glaucoma (present since birth) and juvenile glaucoma (occurs in children and young adults).
Glaucoma or high IOP may also be secondary and occur due to other causes such as the use of steroid drops without prescription. Such drops should never be used without monitoring the intraocular pressure.
Since glaucoma detection in the early stages is mostly incidental, we recommend regular screening for all patients over the age of 40 years, in a similar fashion to screening for diabetes or hypertension. During routine screening we will check the IOP (either through Non contact Tonometry or Applanation tonometer), examine the angles (using a gonioscope) and check the optic disc for any features of glaucoma damage.
If any suspicion of glaucoma is present, we will further investigate with the means of an
Glaucoma is a multifactorial disease, which like Diabetes and Hypertension cannot be cured, but only managed with various therapeutic options available now. As the damage caused by glaucoma is irreversible, the need for lifelong compliance and regular follow ups cannot be stressed enough to prevent further progression of the disease.
Medical Management: Glaucoma in the early stages or milder varieties of glaucoma can be managed with the help of eye drops that reduce the IOP by various mechanisms.
LASER procedures are indicated in the closed mechanism of glaucoma. Using laser we create an alternative pathway for the aqueous to drain out called peripheral laser iridotomy.
Surgical Management: In patients with uncontrolled glaucoma, or intolerance to medication, various surgical options are available to manage the IOP. The gold standard treatment is Trabeculectomy, in which we create a controlled fistula (or filter) for the aqueous to drain out. Newer surgical option include shunts (a tube is inserted into the anterior chamber through which aqueous drains out into a footplate sutured to the back portion of the eye), and Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgeries (the point of resistance at the outflow pathway is addressed here)
Experience unparalleled expertise and cutting-edge technology combined with compassionate care at MediVision. With a dedicated team of specialists and state-of-the-art equipment, we are committed to providing you with the highest quality of glaucoma treatment. Take the first step towards preserving your vision and schedule a consultation with us today.